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Microscolex phosphoreus (Duges, 1837)

▼アルコール標本の写真 右側面 背孔は無い が環帯部も含め両側面に背孔のようなものが続いている。じつは、刺激したとき、2列の数珠のように点々と光るのは、ここから体液が出て発光していると思わ れる。

▼神奈川県鎌倉市北部で採集したホタルミミズ のスケッチ(腹側)

Sims,R.W. & Gerard,B.M. (1985): Earthworms: a synopsis of the British Fauna. Pp.169. BrilliBackhuys for the Linnean Society,London.
Microscolex phosphoreus (Duges)(Fig. 50)
Lumbricus phosphoreus Dugès, 1837:17.
Microscolex phosphoreus: Gates, 1972a:35; Bouché, 1972:183.

Length 10―35mm, diameter 1.0―1.5mm, segment number 73―88 (90). Setae 4 pairs on each segment. Dorsal pores absent. Clitellum annular occupying segments xiii―xvii, sometimes incomplete ventrally on the first and last segments where saddle-shaped. Male and prostatic pores both paired on segment xvii between setal lines a and b: the male pores by setal line a and the prostatic pores near to setal line b; penial setae present between the male and prostatic pores. Spermathecal pores, single pair in furrow 8/9 (Fig. 50). Gizzard rudimentary in segment v, calciferous glands absent. Testes holandric (paired in segments x and xi).
Indigenous range: South America, south of the Tropic of Capricorn.
British records: Market gardens in Nottinghamshire (Friend, 1913a:24), Jersey and Worcestershire (Beddard, 1899:52; Friend, 1913b:459) also under compost, Dublin.
(1) Species of the genus Microscolex inhabit the temperate and subtropical areas of southern South America and islands of the southern oceans.
( 2) Two species, dubius andphosphoreus, have spread to many other areas including South Africa, Australasia, North and Central America and Europe but only phosphoreus has so far been introduced into the British Isles. The twO species are readily separable on the larger size and absence of spermathecae in dubius and (especially at night) the marked phorescence of phosphoreus when disturbed.

Easton,E.G.,1980. Japanese earthworms: a synopsis of the Megadrile species (Oligochaeta). Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.) 40 (2) : 33-65



DIAGNOSIS' Setae lumbricine. Dorsal pores absent. Clitellum includes segments 14-16. Prostates tubular, discharging near male pores on segment 17. A weak oesophageal gizzard in segment 5. Calciferous glands, intestinal caeca and intestinal gizzards absent. Excretory system holonephric.

INDIGENOUS RANGE. Southern South America, South Africa. Sub-Antarctic Islands. Two Species, M..dubius (Fletcher, 1887) and M. phosphoreus (Duges. 1837) are allochthonous, the latter has been recorded from Japan.

Microscolex phosphoreus (Duges, 1837)

phosphoreus Duges, 1837 : 17. Japanese records: Yamaguchi. 1935 : 200; Kobayashi, 194lb : 263.
DIAGNOSIS. As for the genus.
JAPANESE RECORDS. Honshu (Kanto-Chiho) (Kobayashi, 194lb): (Chugoku-Chiho) (Kobayashi 194lb). Shikoku (Kobayashi, 194lb). Kyushu KAGOSHIMA-KEN Osio (Yamaguchi, 1935).
DISTRIBUTION. Cosmopolitan (? indigenous in South America).

新日本動物図鑑[上] 1964 北隆館

Microscolex phosphoreus  (ANT.DUG.〕
体長約40mm、体輻1〜1.5mm 体節数74〜76、体は淡黄白色で環帯部を除いては半透明である.環帯はXV〜XXZ(原文のまま、XZの間違い:ドラえまん)を占め環状である. 剛毛 は各体節に4対あって各対の剛毛は比較的離れて位置しているか,XZではb剛毛はa剛毛に近接している.背孔はない.受精嚢孔は1対で[/\のa剛毛線上 に開口している. 雄性孔は1対でXZにおいて剛毛aとbとの間に開いている. 産卵孔は1対で,XWにおいてa剛毛の前に位置している. 貯精嚢は2対で,XIとZにある.本種は世界に広く分布しており,発光することで有名である.わが国では最初神奈川県大磯で発見されたが,その後静岡県・ 埼玉県・福島県・新潟県・香川県から採集されている.芝生に生息するような場合,夜そこを歩くと芝生上に点々とホタルのような発光がられる.
1.前体部腹面,2生殖器模式図(ff 輸卵管漏斗, mf.輸精管漏斗, o. 卵巣, P. 摂護腺, sp. 受精嚢, sv. 貯精嚢  t. 精巣[山口]




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