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Dichogaster saliens (Beddard, 1893)



▲湧水の泥にいたミミズのスケッチ 上の図は 背面、下は腹面

Japanese earthworms: a synopsis of the Megadrile species (Oligochaeta)
E.G.Easton  British Museum (Natural History), London SW7 5BD


DICHOGASTER  Beddard, 1888

DIAGNOSIS. Setae lumbricine. Dorsal pores present. Clitellum includes segments 14-18. Prostates tubular discharging on segments 17 and 19 or 17 only. Male pores on segment 18. Penial setae present. Two well developed oesophageal gizzards anterior to septum 8/9. Paired calciferous glands in segments 15, 16 and 17, intestinal caeca and gizzards absent. Excretory system meronephric.


INDIGENOUS RANGE. Tropical Americas, Africa. Several species are allochthonous of which two have been recorded from Japan.

Key to species recorded from Japan

1   One pair of prostates which discharge onto segment 17 ............. . . . saliens  

    Two pairs of prostates which discharge onto segments 17 and 19 . . bolaui 


Dichogaster bolaui  Michaelsen, 189l

bolaui Michaelsen, 1891a : 9. Japanese records: Kobayashi, 1941c : 379.

 DIAGNOSIS. Length 20-40 mm. Two pairs of prostates discharging on segments 1 7 and 1 9.

JAPANESE RECORDS. Okinawa-Gunto OKINAWA-JIMA (Kobayashi, 1941c).

DISTRIBUTION. Cosmopolitan (indigenous range unknown).


Dichogaster saliens (Beddard, 1893)

saliens Beddard, 1893 : 683.

hatomaana Ohfuchi, 1957 : 259.

DIAGNOSIS. Length 17-70 mm. One pair of prostates discharging onto segment 1 7 only. REMARKS. The description of D.hatomaana provided by Ohfuchi (1957) is indistinguishable from that of saliens.

JAPANESE RECORDS. Sakishima-Gunto IRIOMOTE-JIMA Hatoma-jima (Ohfuchi, 1957).

DISTRIBUTION. Cosmopolitan (indigenous range unknown).

A Synopsis of the Earthworms R . W . SIMS and B . M . GERARD

Family  OCTOCHAETIDAE Michaelsen , 1900

Body cylindrical. Dorsal pores usually present. Setae 4 pairs on each segment. Clitellum annular or saddle - usually occupying 6-7 segments between segments xii - xviii ; tubercula pubertatis absent , genital papillae and / or porophores common. Male pores paired mainly either on segment xviii with paired prostatic pores on both xvii and xix , or , on xvii , xviii or xix with a single pair of prostatic pores on the same segment or combined ; located usually at the posterior margin of the clitellum , rarely intra-clitellar .
Spermathecal pores pre-testicular.
One to three oesophageal gizzards usually present , occasionally rudimentary or absent , intestinal gizzards absent ; stalked ( extra - mural ) calciferous glands common . Last hearts ( or equiva-lents ) behind segment xi . Prostates tubular With central duct . Spermathecae usually diverticulate . Micronephridial .




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